Publications & Interviews

Travel & Adventure

Forthcoming piece on 

Native Lands, National Trails Project

Fall 2025

Can Travel the World's Most Threatened Languages?
May 2023

Article nominated for:
2024 Bessie Award for
"Most Impactful Piece of Travel Writing"

at the
& 2024 "Consumer Feature of the Year" for the Global Media Impact Awards

Season 8, Episode 96 "What Getting Published Feels Like"
Interviewee on award-winning writer & photographer Yulia Denisyuk's Travel Media Lab  podcast
Summer 2023

Arts & Culture

Dear Movie Madness
(Dear Abby, with a twist)
Willamette Week
March 2023

(Un)Traditional Love Songs: A Valentine's Playlist
Bolder Beat
February 2017
(Author & Curator)

Get Your Creep On: A Halloween Playlist
Bolder Beat
February 2016
(Author & Curator)

Summer Sets:
An End of Summer Playlist
Bolder Beat
September 2016
(Author & Curator)

Bison Bone:
Band Interview
Bolder Beat
October 2017

Intuit: Band Interview
Bolder Beat
April 2016


Additional Writing Experience

In addition to her freelance journalism: